
3 ways to make abs in the kitchen

You can work out your abs every time you go to the gym and NEVER see them or maybe if you’re lucky, catch a glimpse of them in the morning when the lightings just right and you haven’t eaten breakfast yet.


There’s truth behind the saying abs are made in the kitchen. You can’t do the 10,000 calorie challenge every day and crunches every day and think that the crunches will outweigh the pizza 🍕 and milkshakes. We just don’t live in that perfect world. So here are 3 things you can do TODAY to start chiseling away at those abs without doing a single plank.

  1. Eat more protein- Try to have at least .5 grams of protein for every pound you weigh. So if you weigh 150 pounds strive for 75 grams of protein each day. Protein helps your muscles build and repair and the more muscles you have the more calories you burn making weight loss that much easier. You can find protein in meat, poultry, eggs, dairy products, quinoa, nuts, beans, etc.

2.Drink water-- Always have water on hand 💧 If you see water, drink it. If you think about water, go get some. Drink water before every meal or whenever you're bored and start thinking about having a snack. Buy a water bottle here!
Water may help increase your metabolism and aid in weight loss. It also will give you more energy and make your skin look healthier.

3. Have more fiber-- Fiber can help prevent weight gain and help you stay feeling fuller longer so you don’t get tempted to reach for empty carbs soon after you finish eating. You can find fibre in fruits, vegetables, nuts, and whole grains.

Bonus-- Cut back on processed foods and refined sugars 🍩 Most of the time these foods are satisfying only for the taste buds and are not doing anything good for your body. They generally have no nutritional value which means they also don’t have fibre or protein in them. Refined sugars can also cause rises and crashes in your blood sugar levels which will cause you to want to reach for more junk food every time you feel the crash.
Reach for whole foods like vegetables, fruits, and nuts instead to help keep your blood sugar at normal levels and get a great amount of the vitamins that your body needs.

Start by making one change at a time and once these become habits there’s a good chance you’ll see your abs more often than just when you wake up 👍

Nutrition and exercise go hand in hand so to make abs in the kitchen you’re still going to need to work out. You can get a free week of workouts here! http:// 

Steps to Overcome and Reach Your New Year Resolution Goals

Part 1: 

Getting past Resistance is a feat we all need to master if we are looking to become the very best versions of ourselves we can be.

First, You Must Identify Resistance
Let’s look at Resistance and how it applies to your journey to health and fitness. What are the thoughts, fears, concerns, and distractions that keep you from achieving your fitness goals? Lack of motivation, lack of time, not knowing what to do, social pressures — you know the ones that apply to you.          
The first step is always recognizing the problem. So take a minute and think of the times when you had planned on working out or staying away from the pizza and resistance won. What made you reach for the TV remote or that slice of pizza instead of your gym shorts and an apple?

Write those things down. Give them a name. They are all Resistance! Now that we’ve identified your Resistance, we can also identify how to move forward.

Step 1: Know Your Big “Why”
I’m talking your great, big, grown-up, no-messing-around why. Not the little baby why you throw out when someone asks you about your lunch order that includes a grilled chicken breast and side salad with dressing on the side. That person doesn’t deserve to know your big why.

Your big why is the one that reaches into the depths of your soul and touches your deepest, darkest fears.

Didn’t know you had a why like that? Well, you do and it’s time to get to know it by utilizing “The Five Whys ”by Karen Katzenbach.

Here’s how it works. Ask yourself why you are doing the Whole Life Challenge or starting to eat better or exercise more or whatever other things you are doing to increase your health and fitness.

That first reason you just came up with is your baby why. Keep it handy for that jerk at lunch who makes fun of your order. Now ask why again. And again. And again, for a total of five times.

By your fifth why you’ll probably find something surprising that might make you feel uncomfortable. That’s your great, big, grown-up, no-messing-around why.

Why am I working out everyday?  Because I want to be healthier.
Why? Because I want to feel better.
Why? If I feel better, then I’ll be more productive.
Why? Because I’ll be more confident.
Why? Because I won’t feel like that insecure high school girl that left lost with no direction and no confidence.                                                                    
Oooh. Ouch. Stuff just got real. There is some buried reason that motivates us and we need to dig that up to move forward. Now, let’s turn that why into a positive — what we’ll call the “Big Why.

Why are you working out everyday? “Because I am worthy and love to use my body like the beautiful creation that it is.” That’s a really good why. 


Stay tuned for Part 2.